Founded in 1991, Yellow Media continues to proudly serve thousands of businesses across Egypt each month. Our head office, located in Maadi, Cairo, is supported by a dynamic team of over 250 employees, throughout 7 regional offices in Egypt.
We specialize in getting any size business found online to grow
its sales and reach, here are the solutions that enable us to do this:
Place your business on YP.eg - Egypt's No.1 business directory with a database of over 500,000 companies nationwide, and over 30,000,000 annual visitors.
Yellow Mobile
Get your share of new customers on our famous Mobile, Android, iOS and Huawei versions with unique “search near me features” to help close by customers connect with you.
Website and E-Commerce
Built by us. From 5-page websites and analytics to full blown e-commerce sites and fully managed services.
Google My Business
​Boost traffic to your website on Google and Google Maps with GMB*:- A free service we provide many customers.
*We are the only GMB partners in Egypt
Video | Photo | 360° photo
Professional video, photo shoots and 360° photo imagery to capture the image and feel of your business online
Complete your digital reach.
Let us place your business on our extensive list of partners including: